Bennett AutoTrim Pro Automatic Control for BOLT electric systems is an all-in-one automatic trim tab control system designed for boats of all sizes, packed full of features its an easy-to-use, space-saving keypad. Reduce bow rise, improve visibility and correct listing automatically. The switch is water resistant, highly accurate, and features variable intensity LEDs for easy viewing whether night or day.
You can enjoy the convenience of riding in auto mode, or you can return to manual mode at the touch of a button.
Trim Tab Position Indication alerts you to the position and activity of the trim tabs. ‘All Up’ and ‘All Down’ Buttons allow for one-touch manual adjustments. Automatic Tab Retraction protects tabs during storage and trailering.
AutoTrim Pro automatically levels the pitch and roll of your boat, adjusting your trim tabs to changes in vessel speed, sea conditions and shifting weight without the need for manual intervention. The functionality and ‘brains’ of the control unit are engineered directly into a single, space-saving, and simple-to-install keypad. Reduce bow rise and correct listing automatically.